You deserve success.

Don’t let your books get in the way.


What We Do For You


Clean & Consistent Numbers

I will maintain your books and provide you with simple reports monthly. I will pull information and statements, categorize transactions, and make sure you always know where you’re at. I will also provide financial insights so you can course-correct as you go!

Stress-free Tax Time

Say goodbye to that last minute rush to get your numbers to your tax preparer. As a CPA with tax experience, I will make sure everything is clean and ready, early! Everything will be in the right place from the beginning!

I can also act as an intermediary between you and your tax professional and I will help you plan for taxes throughout the year so there are no surprises in April!

Fresh Start

Depending on where you’re at, we can start fresh or I can help get you caught up on all that bookkeeping you’ve been avoiding. (I get it, you have WAY better things to do!)

Free Your Mind (and the rest will follow)

Once I’m setup, you no longer have to think about your numbers. All that extra time and headspace can be used on what you do best…growing that biz!

Want to see if we’re a good fit?