
You, the Biz Babe

Welcome to the blog, where you can find answers to common questions asked by entrepreneurs, and my tips & tricks for always staying on top of your money.

Bryan Gum Bryan Gum

If, When & How Much to Pay Yourself

Are you struggling with the question of how much you should be paying yourself as a business owner? Spoiler alert: it's complicated. In this blog, we'll explore some important factors to consider when determining your pay as a business owner.

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Bryan Gum Bryan Gum

Your Bookkeeping Questions Answered

Here at Biz Babe CPA we take empowering female business owners seriously. That means giving you the resources you need to feel confident and strategic when it comes to your finances, and then stepping in to help when it’s time to let go of that part of your business. Today we want to share some of the most frequently asked questions we receive at Biz Babe CPA.

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